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How to Get the Lightning Bow in Black Ops 3

how to upgrade bow This is a topic that many people are looking for. is a channel providing useful information about learning, life, digital marketing and online courses …. it will help you have an overview and solid multi-faceted knowledge . Today, would like to introduce to you BEST LIGHTNING BOW UPGRADE GUIDE [EASY Black Ops 3 Zombies Der Eisendrache Easter Egg Guide Full. Following along are instructions in the video below:

"Guys. Mr. Waffles here no nonsense lightning bo upgrade guide let s go first things things first make sure you have acquired the bow from feeding the dragons then come the top of the castle hair and shoot the iron dragon weathervane as you can see in my gameplay you do not need to turn the trap on or anything like that just shoot the dragon. An arrow will pop out of the wall.

It will be glowing and you can pick it up and move on with the steps. This next. Bit is a three part process come to this rooftop hair. Just next to the wonderful is location.

There s also a landing pad. There and simply shoot an arrow at the bundle of sticks. You can see in my gameplay. If you do it correctly it will light on fire.

And you then have two more of these left to go so. This is the next location you can hit this one from a few different places so just do it wherever you re comfortable and you can do these in any order. I want to stress that as well finally for the last one that i m showing you which could be the first one you do like i said order does not matter you re going to want to come to the rocket launch pad. Look up at the mountain here and create one final bonfire next up you need to come to the undercroft and you need to make sure that you have already activated the pyramid.

Which means that periodically you will get low gravity effects down in the undercroft itself to do this look at my screenshot. You see where those blue squares are stand on those and if you stand on them for long enough. A blue glow will emanate from beneath the floor. Do that for all four of them.

Doesn t have to be at the same time as it will stay permanently blue..

And you ll get the pyramid activated. Then roughly. I don t know let s say 2 minutes or so you ll get your low gravity. Effects you need to use these low gravity effects to wall run along the walls in here and you re going to run over 5 panels.

I m starting my run off now so there s the first one you see i m running around the wall. There s the second one. I just triggered it we re going to be jumping across that is what they look like by the way just in case. You re confused.

There s the third one hit. There there are two more left. Now obviously. And if you fall off the wall.

While you re doing this it will reset. So you ll have to try and do it again. So you need to hit all five panels without falling off the wall. Once and when you do it you ll get an update to your quest next up.

We have another three part part to this upgrade quest so you re going to want to come to this building. Here. And as you can see the is a sparking urn just under the stairs nestled in there if it s sparking. You re ready to do the step you know that you ve got the last step completed successfully and you need to fill it up with souls.

By killing zombies..

It doesn t take a large number of zombies at all it s like maybe eight zombies or something like that so just kill the zombies. The souls will go in when you stop having souls going into the urn you know. It is finished so you see here in my gameplay. I kill some zombies the zombies do not send souls towards the urn so i know that that one is finished you don t need to do the urns in any particular order.

I m going to show you another one of the locations. Now and then i m going to show you what they re actually used for so this bit of gameplay should be relatively straightforward. I m just filling up an urn. I m going to show you the last urn in a little bit.

But first i m going to tell you what you re actually filling them up for so basically fundamentally you need to charge your arrow. So you can turn your fires into electrical fires so at this point. I have charged my urn. It is finished.

I m going to draw my arrow. So i m going to pull the arrow back by holding it down and i m then going to absorb some of that urns electricity onto the arrow. This is going to allow me to have an electrical fire arrow. Not just a regular fire arrow.

And this is going to be used to shoot the bonfires. We have already created and turn them into electrical fires. So as you can see i come over here. I ve got the electricity on my arrow.

I m going to aim shoot hope for the best and as you can see here got this one in one was quite proud of myself that turns into an electrical fire..

This is what we re charging the urns for so you can then come to another urn that you might have charged in this case. I ve already charged this one charge up your arrow. And then come over to the area. Where you already shot the bonfire from and shoot.

It again turn it into an electrical fire the final urn location is in the rocket launch area. It s in the interior. Bit the bit inside the building. So we re going to fill the urn up now and once that is done i m going to simply charge.

My arrow on the urn and then shoot the bonfire. I have already created as you can see if you do this correctly and all three of them become electrical fires you ll get a quest update in the top left. And you re ready to go even further. Towards upgrading your beau come back to the weathervane now you can see i m back atop of the castle and you ll notice this blue sparking electricity just below.

Where you picked up the arrow. Before you re going to want to hold square or x. If you re on xbox and place your arrows into that sparking electricity. You ll see it float into the air.

And then you re going to need to wait a moment it looks pretty damn epic i must admit wait a moment and then pick up the new arrow that arrow then needs to be transported downstairs. So we re going back to the pyramid around the pyramid obviously below the keepers. There are these boxes right one of the boxes has this lightning bolt logo on it and you re going to want to hold square on that box. It will take your arrow and then once again.

It s a case of charging the box you charge the box by killing zombies..

The souls go into the box. As soon as it stops absorbing souls. Which it s going to do about now for me. I believe it s going to stop absorbing those souls.

And i know that i m ready to give my bow to the box. Which is what i m about to do here. You ll see i give my bow to the box. It takes the bow.

It sort of absorbs it momentarily as you can see and then if we fast forward just a second you ll see that i can then pick up my upgraded lightning bow. Thank you very much for watching guys. I have been mister rafa waffles. This has been my no nonsense guide to upgrading the lightning bow in der eisendrache.

If you ve enjoyed the video. Leave a like if you want more guides like this leave a like as well leave a comment. Too and i ll see you very soon. I m sure " .


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How to Get the Lightning Bow in Black Ops 3
